понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

dallas fork in three

ZOO201 � ��� - PASS
ZOO201L���� - PASS
CHEM100��� - PASS
ENG 104����� - PASS
PHLSCI������� - PASS
PHL5����������� - PASS
PE���������������� - PASS

and finally...

MATH 108C - 5.0

Yes, that was expected was it?


But as they say, what you expect might not be what you get.


(Okay I made that up)

Iapos;m totally freaking out right now becausssssse.

This is whatapos;s actually on my clearance paper thing:

ZOO201 � ��� - PASS
ZOO201L���� - PASS
CHEM100��� - PASS
ENG 104����� - PASS
PHLSCI������� - PASS
PHL5����������� - PASS
PE���������������� - PASS


Shit, I should celebrate.



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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

dry skin care

A Bus Along St Clair-Margaret Atwood

It would take more then that to banish
Me; this is my kingdom still.

Turn, look up
Through the gritty window: an unexplored
Wilderness of wires

Though they buried me in monuments
Of concrete slabs, of cables
Though they molded a pyramid
Of cold light over my head
Though they said, We will build
Silver paradise with a bulldozer

It shows how little they know
About vanishing: I have
My ways of getting through.

Right now, the snow
is no more familiar
to you then it was to me:
this is my doing.
The grey air, the roar
Going on behind it
Are no more familiar.

I am the old woman
Sitting across from you on the bus,
Her shoulders drawn up like a shawl;
Out of her eyes come secret
Hatpins, destroying
The walls, the ceiling

Turn, look down;
There is no city;
This is the centre of a forest

Your place is empty

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bar stool for night club

It seems like all businesses, even small ones
In small communities are getting more competitive. Part of the issue as
Always is that there are only so many consumer dollars to go around. If
You want to get your share of the dollars you need to compete with
Those around you. I bought a small gift shop in a small resort town
Several years ago. At the time I bought it there were three other gift
Shops in the town. We all agreed that we would not carry the same
Merchandise. We got together and decided which supply catalogs each of
Us would order from. If there were similar or overlapping products we
Marked them the same price. We held sales on the same days and made
Them full town events in coordination with the restaurants and service
Providers in the town. This provided a great shopping experience for
The customers and placed all of us on a level playing ground.

As time passed I became close friends with the other shop owners. One
Year we decided that it would be fun to go to one of the large trade
Shows together in the metro area. The show was being held at the
Convention center. We were very impressed with the pop up display that
Many of the catalog companies used. The main catalog that I order from
Had a very impressive pop up display with lights and a revolving statue
Of liberty. The display attracted many people. The company was giving
Away a trip to California to go to the national trade show. We all
Threw in our names into the raffle bin and continued looking at the
Other vendors. We each found new vendors that we were considering
Ordering from. We also received many great complimentary items for our
Stores. As we were getting ready to go they announced that I had won
The trip to California. I was very excited because I had never been
There and had always wanted to go. I thought my husband would be
Thrilled about going also, until I saw the dates. The trade show was at
The same time as a hunting trip that he had planned in the western
United States. One of the other shop owners said that she did not care
To go because she did not like flying and the dates were the same
Weekend that a relative was getting married. The remaining shop owner
Said that she would love to go with me.

The national trade show was huge. The pop up display that was so
Impressive back home was nothing compared to the pop up displays that
Were used at this level. We found many new items to order and had a
Great time. We are hoping that our customers like the new merchandise
We found.

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daihatsu copen uk

i donapos;t know what it is,
but sleeping isnapos;t a major priority to me anymore.
i mean iapos;ll be really tired, but i canapos;t bring myself to lay down and try to sleep.

Jason left for Washington today
and i get this really awful feeling,
like iapos;m not going to see him again.
i learned my appreatiation for film from him,
my big brother.

i feel like a fucking ghost,
iapos;m disappearing more and more.
i donapos;t comunicate with anyone in this house,
i donapos;t remember it being this bad.

i just want to feel normal again.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

cinema 4d xl

Bat for Lashes does a mean Cure cover.

People are very strange around death.� I just read some myspace bulletin where people add comments about recently deceased people (I donapos;t know) and it was full of "lols" and "=]" and about watching Family Guy and the Game.

Like seriously, it was like this person didnapos;t even really, very recently die.

And why is livejournal saying contractions are mispelled words?

Today started out with the potential to be amazing, but it ended with me crying uncontrollably on Brett (itapos;s apparenlty the worst feeling in the world when the one person you trust more than anyone betrays you in the most minimalistic way).� It was horrible and embarassing.� I hate it when people see me cry, itapos;s like the most vulnerable place you can be, and it can be completely misunderstood.� Itapos;s always interpertuted as sadness, even though I have this awful condition where I cry whenever I get worked up about something.� Thatapos;s why I avoid conflict.� Crying while trying to make a point is rarely a good idea.�

But none of that matters.� New chapter of Eraser is up.� Go read it.� Make sweet love to it.� I dare you.

(God do I need sleep and distance.)

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female perversions

I feel bad that I has gotten so upset with her... We bonded a bit more today, so I feel a bit better about it. Weapos;re still not apos;best friends,apos; but we are friends again, more so than before. I feel a lot better now. I do apologize for the last journal and�I apologized to her today. I didnapos;t tell her why I was sorry, but I said, "Iapos;m sorry I love you " DX I will tell her though so she can trust me.
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